EDP – Program
EDAS (Entrepreneurship Development and Advisory Services) is a registered company that strives to facilitate the entrepreneurial culture in Pakistan. EDAS provides customized trainings and advisory services along with facilitation to ensure sophisticated skills. EDAS’s unconventional and experiential trainings provide skill sets that can turn big ideas into tangible outcomes. EDAS has the sole intellectual property of the MSI Entrepreneurial Development Training Program in Pakistan. Through this world-recognized program it has trained more than 400 individuals in Pakistan. EDAS has offered programs and trained people enrolled in Government College University (GCU) MS Entrepreneurship Class, National Incubation Centres of Lahore and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Our Experties
Customized trainings of trainers
Consulting services for corporate partners and non-profits
Experiential trainings and learning
Government assistance for developing policies for entrepreneurship development
Training methodology and training material development.
Research skills in social sciences, including management of large research studies.
Entrepreneurial skill development trainings
Advisory and consulting services for existing and prospective entrepreneurs
Staff trainings for SMEs
Designing, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluating projects
Sector analysis and studiess
Organizational development